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Serves: 6
If they like it, it serves 6 otherwise  - thinking face emoji
Preparation time: 2 hours
Cooking time: 40 minutes
Totaltime: 2 hours 40 minutes
Additional info: Makes 12

A buckwheat pancake is a pancake made with buckwheat flour. The types of buckwheat pancake associated with specific regions include:
• Blini, Eastern Europe, with a buckwheat variety particularly popular in Russia, Ukraine (hrechanyky or гречаники), and Lithuania (grikių blynai)
• Crêpe bretonne, a savory pancake known as (bleud ed-du) from Brittany in France
• Kaletez (galette de sarrasin), a buckwheat pancake in Breton cuisine
• Memil-buchimgae, a variety of Korean pancake with buckwheat flour and cabbage
• Ploye, a Canadian pancake, particularly popular in the Province of New Brunswick


  • 1 cup whole or 2% milk
    1/3 cup water
    3 large eggs
    1/2 teaspoon salt
    1 cup buckwheat flour
    1/2 cup unbleached white flour
    3 tablespoons canola oil
    For the Buckwheat Crêpes With Spinach and Egg
    6 ounces baby spinach, cooked and chopped seasoned
    freshly ground pepper to taste
    2 buckwheat crêpes, above
    2 eggs, poached or fried for four minutes
    2 tablespoons grated Gruyère or Comte cheese


  • Step 1
    Place the milk, water, eggs and salt in a blender. Cover the blender, and turn on at low speed. Add the flours, then the canola oil, and blend for one minute at medium speed. Transfer to a bowl, cover and refrigerate for one to two hours.

    Step 2
    Place a seasoned 7- or 8-inch crêpe pan or cast-iron pan over medium heat. Brush with butter or oil, and when the pan is hot, remove from the heat and ladle in about 3 tablespoons batter. Tilt or swirl the pan to distribute the batter evenly, and return to the heat. Cook for about one minute, until you can easily loosen the edges with a spatula. Turn and cook on the other side for 30 seconds. Turn onto a plate. Continue until all of the batter is used.

    Step 3
    Heat the crêpes in a dry skillet over medium heat (or use the skillet you used to fry your eggs). Top with a spoonful of spinach, setting the egg to one side so you can fold the crêpe over. Sprinkle the cheese over the top, fold the crêpe over, and transfer to a plate with a spatula. Serve hot.
    PS: In France the crepe is made on a large, flat, hot griddle, and the egg is cracked right on top of it.

    main ingredients: type of dish: main Country cuisine: France specific recipes: Array Type of meal: lunch  
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Buckwheat Crêpes - galettes de sarrasin

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